Principal’s Desk
Every child is a dormant seed with the potential of a full healthy tree. The most fundamental approach must be to provide the right kind of atmosphere. Here, at Aklank, we endeavour to provide that atmosphere where a child matures into a critical thinker and a responsible citizen. Agreeing with Joseph Addision’s view, “What sculpture is to block of marble, education is to human soul”. We firmly believe that our competent and dedicated faculty can mould the young mind with a perfect mix of knowledge, love and care. Our school will be an ideal ground to nurture children of many different abilities & help each child to discover himself as he goes through his school life. Every great dream begins with a dreamer.Always remember you have within you the strength and passion to reach for stars to change the world.
Aklank Day Boarding and Residential School has been started keeping in mind our vision of complete personality and overall development of our children .We are putting all are efforts to achieve our goals and building an exclusive learning environment.
Best wishes